
Fire Suppression
The primary reason for the
establishment of a Hose Company in Greene Township was to mitigate the
damage and harm caused by destructive fires in the community. To
this day, Kuhl Hose continues it's original mission of fire
suppression with 2 fire engines, 2 water tankers and 1
mini-pumper. While the role and responsibility of the department
has evolved through the decades, Kuhl Hose still prides itself in
delivering the most professional and effective fire suppression
service to the community.
Many tasks are involved in
firefighting but some of the ones we typically conduct are:
-Forcible entry, to gain
access to secured structures or rooms where fire or victims may be.
-Search, for trapped or disoriented occupants of structures
-Rescue of victims
-Hoseline advancement, and extinguishment of the fire
-Ventilation, to get the bad gases out of a structure and fresh air
-Overhaul, to find and extinguish hidden fire.
-Salvage, to minimize damage and protect property once the fire is
And most important of all:
-Safety, to insure everyone goes home when the call is over.

The most successful fire is
one that never started to begin with. That is why the members of Kuhl Hose
spend many hours educating our residents,
schoolchildren and visitors about the importance of fire prevention.
Every fall department members conduct visits to the area elementary
schools to showcase to teach youngsters the importance of fire
safety. Along with teaching important concepts of Stop, Drop, and
Roll, Craw Low Under Smoke, how to dial 9-1-1, firefighters
familiarize children with the firefighting tools and apparatus.

In addition to making trips to
the schools, the Kuhl Hose stations are periodically host to
community groups such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, camps,
kindergarteners who can see even more firsthand than just a
classroom experience can offer.

We have also gone one step
further and held classes for community groups such as the Boy
Scout First Aid merit badge and Webelos Ready Man Badge.

With 1867.5 acres of state
gamelans and a large amount of rural area in our 38 square mile
township, the department is often required to respond to incidents
far off road. To aid us in this task we operate a Type III
min-pumper or "brush truck" to reach fires in wildland areas. In
addition we stock various rakes, shovels, brooms, Pulaski Axes and
Indian tanks that can be carried aboard our Class-A engines.

Rural Water Movement
Greene Township has no
municipal water source (fire hydrants). To supply sufficient water
for firefighting operations, we need to set up tender shuttle
operations between a water source and the fire ground. This involves
establishing a water source and using multiple tenders to
continually supply portable tanks erected at the scene with water.

We rely on dry hydrants placed
throughout the township, along with creeks, ponds and lakes. Unlike
pressurized hydrants found in urban and suburban areas, dry hydrants
do not contain a pressurized water supply. They consist of a pipe
set into a body of water with a connection to hook hard sleeve hose
which is used by the engine to "draft" or draw water up the pipe
into the pump. Below
are pictures of some of our dry hydrants. One just after
installation and another which has been in service for some time.

Participating Department

The Pennsylvania Office of the
State Fire Commissioner maintains the Participating Department
program to encourage departments to train and certify their members
to national standards. The NFPA standards for Fire Service
Professional Qualifications identify the minimum requirements for a
person at a particular level of progression. A person certified to
one of the Fire Service Professional levels will have demonstrated
competency in the knowledge and skills required to perform at a
particular level. The service that can be offered to the citizens,
visitors and communities of the Commonwealth will be enhanced by the
professional competency attained through this certification
In order to qualify for the
program a department must have a minimum of 70% of their members
certified at some level of national accreditation. Kuhl Hose
currently has 12 members certified at levels of Firefighter I,
Firefighter II, Rescue Technician, Driver/Operator, Fire Officer I,
Fire Instructor I and Hazmat Operations.
Kuhl Hose has been recognized
as a participating department since March 2007, the second
organization in Erie County to receive this honor. This recognition
must be renewed every 3 years and in 2010 we hope to attain and even
greater level of recognition.

*Some text &
obtained from the PA OSFC website