1/20/13 - Just after 0530 Sunday morning Kuhl
Hose was dispatched to assist Kearsarge at West Gore Rd & Washington
Ave with RIT. Kearsarge was initially dispatched to an
investigation for wires down. Chief 440 arrived found a downed
tree that had also sheared a utility pole and caused several power
lines to fall. Command also reported smoke conditions
from a nearby commercial building that housed a dentist office.
County dispatch then sent the structure fire response. Shortly
after a second alarm was struck bringing additional companies
including the Kuhl Hose RIT. 683 & 687 responded, and while en
route 683 was given orders to establish water supply to Engine 442.
683 set up a reverse lay 1000' to a hydrant @ Washington and
Fairlawn. After establishing water supply, 683 and 687's crew
setup RIT on the A/D corner while Lake Shore RIT covered the B/C
corner. In all over a dozen engine companies and 3 TOWER ladders
were required to bring the fire in the building of origin and the
roof of an exposure building under control.
Due to the extended time on scene in the cold conditions Rehab 68 and other EMS/Rehab units also responded to help provide shelter. During this incident units from Belle Valley, Brookside Wesleyville, Lake Shore and Erie Fire were were sent to an attached garage fire just 2 blocks from the initial commercial fire. 36L3 arrived and reported a working fire. Chief 450 arrived shortly after and assumed command. Crew stretched 2 lines, while the truck crew laddered the building and did the primary search. This fire was quickly contained and brought under control. And as crews were breaking down from these fires there was a fire on the roof of an adjacent building, the "Station Restaurant." This fire was quickly contained and brought under control by crews on scene and others that were on standby at Station #44. All of the fires are under investigation. |
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