03/20 - Kuhl Hose EMT's and Firefighters worked with Boy Scout Troops 133 & 52 with a First Aid Challenge. For several weeks prior to the challenge each troop reviewed and prepared their First Aid skills. On Saturday the troops each arrived at the fire station and were challenged with 8 skill stations. Each station was designed to develop leadership, teamwork, and provide first aid as a scout patrol. After the skill stations were complete each troop was given 2 scenario's. Scenario #1 - Fall victim from a ladder. Notice water and an electrical cord near the patient on the floor. Each troops youngest / newest scout was given the scenario and reported what they found to the senior patrol leader. Then each troop worked together to provide first aid properly and in the safest way possible. Scenario #2 - Scoutmaster are discovered at camp lethargic from possible food poisoning in their tents by the Senior Patrol Leader. They are at a remote camp site near the river. It's raining and the river is rising. Again the troops were to manage the emergency safely and provide first aid.
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