Bad April Fools Joke by Mother Nature
tests area agencies
After warm temperatures and
sunny skys earlier last week, Saturday began as bad
April Fools joke by mother nature.
It began to snow just after 2
p.m. on Saturday and continued for over 24 hours in and
around Erie County. The official total is 11.5" of
snow, that was recorded at Erie International Airport,
but the snowfall amounts were much greater to the south
and east in the snow belt region some area's getting
close to 36".
There were shelters open in
Edinboro, North East, the City of Erie, due to large
area power outages, as well as stranded motorists on
Interstates 79, 86 & 90. All three interstates were
closed for several hours because of the mass amount of
stranded vehicles and accidents. Fire crews, State
Police as well as area snowmobile Emergency groups
worked to rescue those stranded and move them to waiting
buses off the interstate and then to shelters. Some
parts of the Interstates were still closed as of early
Monday morning while crews looked for those still
stranded. A fire/rescue crew from Greenfield was
searching for a female that was unsure of her location
along interstate 86, as well as a male who was
attempting to get to an Erie hospital for Monday morning
cardiac surgery, they had both been in their vehicles
for several hours.
Kuhl Hose responded to 11
emergencies in a 12 hour period on Sunday. Most of the
responses were Good Intent / Service calls ranging from
trees and wires down, Fire Police assisting with
traffic, to assistance with starting a portable
generator and checking a sump pump. During the day
Greene Township EMA assisted, as well as the Erie County
EOC being open.
Kuhl Hose EMS units were sent
to two calls. The first call was for an ill patient.
On arrival crews found an elderly gentleman who was
threatening suicide if crews did not get him out of his
house. He had been without power and heat for over 12
hours. A 6 person crew carried the elderly man to the
waiting 4 wheel drive mini pumper that then took him to
the waiting ambulance. The second EMS call was for a
fall victim. Personnel in 4 wheel drive vehicles made
access to the residence, which was approx 200 yards off
the road. Crews had to shovel a 50 yard long path from
the driveway to the residence to extricate the patient.
The initial responding ambulance was stopped due to snow
conditions and was unable to make it to the residence.
EMT's on the scene splinted the patients leg and ankle
and carried her to a waiting truck and then drove her to
the waiting ambulance approx 5 miles away at the closest
main road.
The last call of the day was
for a Structure fire with entrapment. The caller was in
the residence and stated that a tree had fallen, ripping
wires from his residence and there was a fire and he was
unable to get out of the residence. The caller was not
specific about any conditions before the call was lost
and the dispatch center was unable to make contact with
him again. Kuhl Hose along with Perry Hiway Hose,
Waterford, Belle Valley, McKean fire departments as well
as Millcreek Paramedics responded. On arrival, Chief
680 found a large wood frame farm house, nothing
visible, from the road but unable to access the
residence due to the amount of snow in the driveway.
Crews from Kuhl Hose and Perry Hiway walked through the
snow to the residence and found no fire. There was no
electrical service to the residence due to the tree
taking out power lines, there was no fire and crews were
on scene for under 30 minutes.
As of 3 p.m. Monday there are
still residences and business' without power including
Kuhl Hose Station #3. Penelec is working to fix the
problems. The concern for Monday and into Tuesday is
flooding because of increasing temperatures and the
large amount of snowfall over the last two days.
Pictures from road and access
Rescue of man from residence
and waiting ambulance.....
Around 6 p.m. the storm finally broke and the last few
minutes of sun... |