Structure Fire turns into large response from
Fire, Police and Bomb squad units.
A call about a kitchen fire on
Old Wattsburg Road
turned into an investigation of guns, grenades
and a homemade bomb Thursday evening. Kuhl Hose
was dispatched to a structure fire just after
4:30 in the
8900 block of Old Wattsburg Road, and called for
the Pennsylvania State Police shortly after
The 35-year-old man, who lived at the residence
of the house fire, fled the home, drunk, after
putting some circuit boards and wires in a pot
on the stove and turning on the gas, state
police said. He might also have placed guns or
explosives throughout the house. While his
house smoked, a 15-year-old girl who had lived
in the home until recently, arrived with her
grandmother to pick up a few things, police
said. She opened the door, saw smoke and her
grandmother called 911.
The man's truck was weaving before almost
hitting Chief Erbin's truck and then heading
toward and crashing into a ditch. Chief Erbin
got out of his truck identified himself, and
asked the man if he was alright. The man did
not respond, Erbin turned the truck off and
removed the keys to both secure the vehicle and
keep the man from driving away. The man
threatened the Chief and struck him while he was
moving back to his truck to call for additional
units. Just after returning to his truck the
Structure fire was dispatched. The fire was
just blocks from the crash site.
On arrival Chief 680 reported smoke showing.
Incoming units attempting to make entry into the
residence found a rifle sitting on a table, just
inside the residence, pointed at the front
door. Crews did not enter through the door,
they made entry through the front windows and
extinguished the fire quickly. The Pennsylvania
State Police were called, and fire crews secured
the scene until the State Police arrived.
But the man wasn't quite done. He found a spare
key and tried to race back to his house before
hitting a tree head-on. He was not seriously
injured, but taken to the hospital for
The man was known to have two grenades in his
possession as well as numerous guns, some of
them believed to be illegal, said Cpl. Detective
Lamont King with the state police crime unit.
Kuhl Hose units and the State Police waited for
the Erie Bomb Squad. The Bomb squad initially
did not find anything but continued there search
into early Friday morning.
The man, whose name was not released, faced
traffic violations and would be charged with
driving under the influence of alcohol. The
investigation will lead to additional charges,
King said.
The kitchen fire caused minimal damage. A state
police fire marshal also was investigating.
Kuhl Hose was assisted by Belle
Valley, Perry Hiway,
and Kearsarge Fire Departments.
